Gostovanje učencev in učiteljic s Češke na naši šoli

V ponedeljek, 15. 4.  2024, se nam je na šoli pridružilo 6 učencev in 4 njihove učiteljice s Češke. Posebnost letošnjega gostovanja tujih učencev in učiteljic je bila ta, da so učence s Češke tokrat v svoje domove za en teden prijazno sprejeli naši učenci in njihove družine. Tudi na šoli smo jih pričakali z odprtimi rokami in velikim navdušenjem ter jim na prvi dan njihovega obiska ob sprejemu pripravili proslavo v organizaciji učiteljic Maje Debeljak in Andreje Krajnc s predstavitvijo naše šole in kraja. Goste sta najprej pozdravili koordinatorica učiteljica Maja Debeljak in učiteljica Petra Urek, ki sta v mesecu oktobru kot povabljeni strokovni delavki obiskali tudi njihovo šolo v Havirovu na Češkem. Vse zbrane je nagovoril gospod ravnatelj Alojz Velički in jim zaželel dobrodošlico med nami.

Po proslavi so si v spremstvu naših učencev ogledali šolo in okolico šole. Po ogledu so jih čakale ure pri posameznih predmetih. V teh so zelo uživali in se naučili kar nekaj novega, tudi posamezne slovenske izraze in fraze. Popoldan so v spremstvu učiteljic in učencev naše šole spoznali Hoče, Hočko kripto in prelep Botanični vrt v Pivoli. Naslednji dan je naše goste čakala strokovna ekskurzija v okviru dneva dejavnosti v Hišo eksperimentov v Maribor, na katero jih je povabila učiteljica Jerneja Kranjc. Z učenci sedmih razredov smo se skupaj podali na zanimive delavnice, ki so jih v Hiši eksperimentov pripravili za nas. Naši učenci so se ta dan izkazali kot odlični povezovalci, ki so se zelo potrudili in pomagali pri prevodih vodenj v angleščino za naše goste. Po zanimivem dnevu dejavnosti je sledil obisk pri gospodu županu. Učence s Češke je zelo navdušil s sproščenostjo, mladostnim videzom, zanimivimi zgodbami in predvsem z znanjem tujih jezikov. Naši gostje so se tako ves teden družili z nami, aktivno sodelovali pri pouku in spremljali dejavnosti na naši šoli. Zanimive in aktivne učne ure so jim naši učitelji in učiteljice pripravili v angleščini in nemščini.

V tednu gostovanja sta dve učiteljici s Češke na šoli opravljali tudi spremljavo pouka, in sicer ena pri pouku angleščine in druga na razredni stopnji. Njuno spremljavo sta koordinirali učiteljici Danijela Metličar Vukmanič in Mojca Kolarič. Prav tako pa so učenci na strokovnih ekskurzijah, ki jih je zanje organizirala koordinatorica celotnega gostovanja tuje šole pri nas učiteljica Maja Debeljak, spoznavali lepote Slovenije. Prvi dan gostovanja smo jim predstavili Hoče, v naslednjih dneh pa smo jih popeljali po Mariboru in jim predstavili našo prestolnico Ljubljano. Pri vodenjih v angleščini na vseh ekskurzijah nam je na pomoč prijazno priskočila učiteljica zgodovine in umetnostne zgodovine Petra Urek. Učenci s Češke so s svojimi učiteljicami v dneh na naši šoli uživali tudi ob pečenju in pokušanju jedi. Skupaj smo pripravili slastno pohorsko omleto in pečena polnjena jabolka. Predstavili smo jim različne tradicionalne slovenske jedi, recepte in prigrizke.

Pri pouku tehnične vzgoje so skupaj z učiteljem in našimi učenci izdelali čisto pravi pohorski pok, ko so ga za spomin lahko tudi odnesli s seboj, da bodo v bodoče lahko popestrili svoje zimske športne dneve.

Z nami so tudi delili spoznanja, kako zelo se njihova šola razlikuje v primerjavi z našo in da so zelo presenečeni nad našim šolskim sistemom. Povedali so nam, da so neizmerno uživali cel teden pri nas na obisku, da smo jih izjemno lepo sprejeli ter da so pridobili veliko nepozabnih spominov in sklenili tudi kar nekaj novih prijateljstev med učenci in učitelji. Vsem sodelujočim se tudi iskreno zahvaljujejo!

Mi pa bi si v bodoče seveda želeli še več takšnih izmenjav. 

Intervju zapisala in prevedla v angleščino: Eva Loredana Knez, 9.r

Lektoriranje: Danijela Metličar Vukmanič 

Mentorica in koordinatorka gostovanja: Maja Debeljak,  učiteljica nemščine


Visiting students and teachers from the Czech

Republic at our school


       On Monday the 15th of April 2024 we welcomed at our school 6 students and 4 teachers from the Czech Republic. This year’s trip was a bit different for our visitors since they were staying at our students’ home, which they were warmly welcomed in. As well as for our school, we greeted them with open arms and an open heart.

On their first day we prepared a presentation of our school and town with the help of our mentor teachers, Maja Debeljak and Andreja Krajnc. The students were firstly greeted by our coordinator teachers Maja Debeljak and Petra Urek. They are the ones who went in October 2023 on an international teacher exchange to their school in Havirov, Czech Republic. Our principal Aljoz Velički welcomed us all and gave us a short speech. After the presentation, accompanied by our students, they toured the school and its surroundings.

After the sightseeing, it was time for them to attend different subjects. They enjoyed it and learned quite a few new things, including individual Slovenian expressions and phrases. In the afternoon the students were accompanied by teachers and students from our school, they got a glimpse of Hoče, Hočka crypt and the pretty Botanical garden in Pivola.  

       The next day, our guests were invited by Ms. Jerneja Krajnc to an excursion to the House of Experiments in Maribor. Together with the students of the seventh grade, they attained interesting activities and workshops. Our students proved to be excellent connectors who put in a lot of effort and helped with the translations of the guides into English for our guests. After an interesting day of activities, a visit to Mr. mayor was held. He greatly impressed the students from the Czech Republic with his relaxed, youthful attitude and  appearance, interesting stories and especially knowledge of foreign languages. Our guests hung out with us all week, actively participated in the lessons and followed the activities at our school. Our teachers prepared interesting and active lessons for them in English and German. During the visiting week, two teachers from the Czech Republic were job-shadowing our teachers. One at English and the other at lower level lessons. Schedules of visiting Czech teachers were coordinated by our teachers Danijela Metličar Vukmanič and Mojca Kolarič.   


        Our teacher Maja Debeljak prepared excellent excursions to our Czech friends. During their whole stay, the Czech students really got to see the beauty of our country Slovenia. On the first day of our hosting, we showed them around Hoče, the next day we gave them a view of a near city Maribor and our capital city Ljubljana. The tours were all held in English, our teacher Petra Urek, who teaches history and art history, gladly helped with translations. Our guests enjoyed trying new dishes while also helping with making them. We intruduced them to our Pohorje omlette and stuffed baked apples. We shared some famous recipes and snacks that are popular here and are enjoyed by most. During the technical education lessons, they made a true Pohorje pok, which they were given so they can take it on their next snow trip. Together we explored how our schools differ from each other. They were truly shocked with our school system.  

       At the end of their adventurous trip we exchanged words, and they were very happy to tell us they truly enjoyed their stay. We welcomed them with open arms, which already added a great add on to the trip, they made lots of memories and quite a few new friendships grew during that week. Of course, we would love to have more exchanges in the future that will be amazing just like this one!

The interview was recorded and translated into English by: Eva Loredana Knez 9.a

 Proofreading: Danijela Metličar Vukmanič 

 Mentor and hosting coordinator: Maja Debeljak, the German teacher


Video (.mov)


